က်ေနာ္တုိ႔ေတြ ဟုိတယ္တခုမွာ တည္းခုိဘုိ႔ ၀င္၀င္ခ်င္း စာရင္းသြင္းၿပီး အခန္းေသာ့ယူတဲ့့အခါ (အထူးသျဖင့္ ေစ်းႀကီးတဲ့ အဆင့္ျမင့္ဟုိတယ္ႀကီးေတြမွာဆုိရင္) အေရးေပၚထြက္ေပါက္ (Fire Exit) ဘယ္နားမွာ ရွိသလဲဆုိတာ စစ္ေဆးၾကည့္႐ႈမိၾကဘုိ႔ ေမ့ေလ်ာ့ေနတတ္တယ္။ ကဲ...စာဖတ္သူတုိ႔႔ထဲက ဘယ္ႏွစ္ဦးကမ်ား တခုတ္တရ သတိထားၿပီး စစ္ေဆးဘုိ႔ကုိ သတိရတတ္ၾကပါသလဲ။ အဲဒီဟုိတယ္မွာ အေရးေပၚထြက္ေပါက္ ရွိမရွိ ကုိေတာင္ ေခါင္းထဲထည့္ၿပီး စဥ္းစားမိၾကမယ္မထင္ဘူး။
ဒါေပမယ့္ ဟုိတယ္မီးေလာင္ၿပီဆုိရင္ေတာ့ အဲဒီအေရးေပၚထြက္ေပါက္ ရွိျခင္း၊ မရွိျခင္း ဆုိတဲ့ အခ်က္ေပၚမွာ မူတည္ၿပီး အင္မတန္ျခားနားတဲ့ ေနာက္ဆက္တြဲ ရလဒ္ ႏွစ္မ်ဳိးႏွစ္စား ထြက္လာႏုိင္ပါတယ္။ တမ်ဳိးက မီးေလာင္ကၽြမ္းၿပီးေသဆုံးသြားရတဲ့အျဖစ္နဲ႔ ေနာက္တမ်ဳိးကေတာ့ အေရးေပၚထြက္ေပါက္ကေန ထြက္ေျပးလြတ္ေျမာက္သြားရတဲ့ အျဖစ္ပါဘဲ။ ဒါေၾကာင့္မုိ႔လည္း အေရးေပၚထြက္ေပါက္ေတြဟာ အေဆာက္အဦးတခုအတြင္းကုိ ေျခလွမ္းစၿပီး ၀င္လုိက္တာနဲ႔ ခ်က္ခ်င္းသတိထားမိေလာက္စရာ အခင္းအက်င္း (သုိ႔မဟုတ္) ပသာဒကုိ ဆြဲေဆာင္မႈ အရွိဆုံး အခင္းအက်င္းေတြ ျဖစ္မေနေသာ္လည္း အေဆာက္အဦးတုိင္းအတြက္ မရွိမျဖစ္ လုိအပ္တဲ့ အရာေတြ ျဖစ္ေနပါေတာ့တယ္။
ဒီလုိအေနအထားမွာမွ တစုံတေယာက္ကေနၿပီး “အေဆာက္အဦးတခုအတြက္ အေရးေပၚထြက္ေပါက္ ရွိစရာမလုိဘူးေဟ့...”လုိ႔ေျပာလာရင္ အဲဒီအဆုိကုိ ဘယ္သူမွ လက္ခံႏုိင္ၾကမယ္ မဟုတ္ပါဘူး။ တကယ္လုိ႔သာ ဗိသုကာ ပညာရွင္တေယာက္က သူေရးဆြဲတဲ့ အေဆာက္အဦးပုံၾကမ္း (Blueprint)ထဲမွာ အေရးေပၚထြက္ေပါက္ကုိ တမင္ထည့္မဆြဲဘဲ ခ်န္ရစ္ထားခဲ့တယ္ဆုိရင္ေတာ့ ဒီျဖစ္ရပ္ဟာ ခြင့္မလႊတ္ႏုိင္ေလာက္စရာ အလြန္႔အလြန္ကုိ ဆုိးရြားလုိ႔သြားပါၿပီ။
ဒီမုိကေရစီစနစ္ဟာလည္း အေရးေပၚထြက္ေပါက္ေတြနဲ႔ အလားသ႑ာန္တူပါတယ္။ လူ႔အဖြဲ႕အစည္းအတြင္း သာမန္ နိစၥဓူ၀ ကိစၥေတြမွာေတာ့ ဒီမုိကေရစီရဲ႕ အႏွစ္သာရကုိ ထူးထူးျခားျခား ခံစားသိရွိႏုိင္တာမ်ဳိးမဟုတ္။ ဒါေပမယ့္ အေရးေပၚ ကပ္ေဘးအေျခအေနတခု က်ေရာက္လာလုိ႔ လူေတြဟာ စတင္ၿပီး စနစ္တက် စုေပါင္းေဆာင္ရြက္ရေတာ့မယ္ဆုိတဲ့အခ်ိန္က်ရင္၊ ေနာက္ၿပီး လူ႔အဖြဲ႕အစည္းအတြင္းကုိ စည္းကမ္းတက်ရွိမႈႏွင့္ တည္ၿငိမ္မႈေတြကို ျပန္လည္ ေဆာင္က်ဥ္းရေတာ့မယ့္ အခ်ိန္က်ရင္ေတာ့ ဒီမုိကေရစီစနစ္ရဲ႕ အေရးပါမႈဟာ စတင္ၿပီး သိသာထင္ရွားလာပါေတာ့တယ္။
(ဥပမာ....နာဂစ္ မုန္တုိင္းလုိ အေရးေပၚအေျခအေနႀကဳံတဲ့အခါမွာ ဒီမုိကေရစီစနစ္ ရွိမေနျခင္းအတြက္ ဘယ္ေလာက္အထိ ဆုိးရြားတဲ့အေျခအေနကုိ ဆုိက္ေရာက္သြားသလဲဆုိတာ ေလာေလာလတ္လတ္ အားလုံးျမင္ေတြ႕ခဲ့ၾကရတဲ့ သာဓက တခုပါဘဲ။)
ဒီလုိ အေရးေပၚအခ်ိန္မ်ဳိးမွာ အေရးေပၚထြက္ေပါက္ဟာ မီးေလာင္စဥ္အတြင္း လူသားေတြကုိ ေလာင္မီးအၿမဳိက္ခံရမယ့္ေဘးက လြတ္ကင္းရာကုိ ေဆာင္က်ဥ္းေပးႏုိင္သလုိ၊ ဒီမုိကေရစီစနစ္ဟာလည္း ႏုိင္ငံသားေတြကုိ တည္ၿငိမ္တဲ့ ႏုိင္ငံေရးအေျပာင္းအလဲေတြ၊ တည္ၿငိမ္ေအးခ်မ္းတဲ့ အေျပာင္းအလဲေတြကုိ ေဆာင္က်ဥ္းေပးႏုိင္တာကုိ ေတြ႕ရပါတယ္။
ဒါေပမယ့္ တခ်ဳိ႕ေသာ ႏုိင္ငံသားေတြအဖုိ႔ေတာ့ (ဥပမာ စကၤာပူ) ႐ုပ္၀တၳဳစည္းစိမ္ခ်မ္းသာႂကြယ္၀မႈကုိဘဲ အေလာတႀကီးအာ႐ုံစုိက္ စုေဆာင္းေနၾကေပမယ့္ ဒီမုိကေရစီဆုိတဲ့ အေရးေပၚထြက္ေပါက္ကုိ လုံးလုံးလ်ားလ်ား ေမ့ေလ်ာ့ထားၾကတာကုိ ေတြ႕ရပါတယ္။
မီးမေလာင္တဲ့အခ်ိန္မ်ဳိးမွာ အေရးေပၚထြက္ေပါက္ကုိ ဘယ္သူမွ စိတ္ကူးထဲထည့္ၿပီး တသသလုပ္ေနၾကမွာမဟုတ္သလုိဘဲ (နာဂစ္မုန္တုိင္းလုိ၊ စီးပြားပ်က္ကပ္လုိ)လူ႕အဖြဲ႕အစည္းမွာ အေရးေပၚစိန္ေခၚမႈတရပ္ မႀကဳံေတြ႕ရေသးသေရြ႕ေတာ့ ဒီမုိကေရစီကုိ မရွိမျဖစ္ လုိအပ္တယ္လုိ႔ လက္ခံယူဆတဲ့လူလည္း နည္းပါးေနႏုိင္ပါတယ္။
ဒါေပမယ့္ ဒီလုိအျမင္မက်ယ္မႈဟာ တခ်ိန္က်ရင္ က်ေနာ္တုိ႔မထင္မွတ္ထားတဲ့နည္းနဲ႔ က်ေနာ္တုိ႔ကုိ ျပန္လည္ေျခာက္လွန္႔ပါလိမ့္မယ္။ အဲဒီေတာ့ ႏုိဘယ္ဆုရွင္ စီးပြားေရးပညာရွင္ “အမၼာတီယာ ဆင္” (Amartya Sen) တခါကေျပာခဲ့ဘူးတဲ့ သတိေပးစကားကုိ က်ေနာ္တုိ႔အေနနဲ႔ စတင္ ဂ႐ုျပဳအေလးထားသင့္တယ္လုိ႔ ထင္ျမင္မိပါတယ္။
“တုိင္းျပည္တျပည္အေနနဲ႔ ကံေကာင္းေထာက္မစြာ ကပ္ေဘးဆုိးႀကီးေတြ မႀကဳံႀကဳိက္ရတဲ့အခ်ိန္၊ အစစ အရာရာ အဆင္ေျပစြာ လည္ပတ္ေနတဲ့အခ်ိန္မ်ဳိးမွာေတာ့ ဒီမုိကေရစီက ေပးစြမ္းႏုိင္တဲ့ လုံၿခဳံမႈကုိ ဘယ္သူကမွ တသသ လုပ္ေနၾကမွာ မဟုတ္ပါဘူး။ ဒါေပမယ့္ စီးပြားေရးအေျပာင္းအလဲေတြေၾကာင့္ျဖစ္ေစ၊ ဒါမွမဟုတ္ တျခား အေျခအေန အရပ္ရပ္ေၾကာင့္ျဖစ္ေစ၊ သုိ႔တည္းမဟုတ္ ျပဳျပင္ေျပာင္းလဲဘုိ႔ မႀကဳိးစားဘဲ မွားယြင္းေနတဲ့ ေပၚလစီေတြေၾကာင့္ျဖစ္ေစ၊ အဲဒီအေၾကာင္းရင္းခံေတြကတဆင့္ ျဖစ္ေပၚလာႏုိင္တဲ့ မလုံၿခဳံျခင္း အႏၱရာယ္ဟာ သာမန္အားျဖင့္ တုိးတက္ဖြံ႕ၿဖဳိးေနတယ္လုိ႔ ထင္ရတဲ့ တုိင္းျပည္တျပည္ရဲ႕ေနာက္မွာ အၿမဲတေစ ပုန္းခုိႏုိင္တယ္” .........တဲ့။
The security provided by democracy may not be much missed when a country is lucky enough to be facing no serious calamity, when everything is running along smoothly. But the danger of insecurity, arising from changes in the economic or other circumstances or from the uncorrected mistakes of policy, can lurk behind what looks like a healthy state.
(Dr Chee Soon Juan ေရးသားေသာ “Your Future, My Faith, Our Freedom: A Democratic Blueprint for Singapore (2001)” စာအုပ္မွ ေကာက္ႏႈတ္ခ်က္ကုိ ဆီေလ်ာ္ေအာင္ ျပန္ဆုိသည္။)
Absolutely agree with you. The people will not think much about it as long as the economy is running good.
I do not understand the correlation between the Nargis and absence of the democratic system. China demonstrated its emergency response capability in the recent earth quake disaster, back in the past when the SARS threatened the region, then it built a dedicated hospital with multiple of hundreds of bed to quarantine and medicate SARS patient in just a week. That is a flawed logic.
70 years ago, when the earthquake hit China, it was absolute disaster.
Nowaday, Chinese government learned its lessons from the past and also from Nargis. And also it is under the watchful eyes of the whole world after its handling of Tibet. Furthermore, it doesn't want to disrupt the ongoing olympic event.
Therefore, it has no choice but to allow the foreign (free) media, foreign aids and relatively transparent process to the disaster. They responded quickly to people’s desire and requirement. They tried to be as transparent as possible regarding the information flow and other processes. The whole process is essentially in line with the democratic principles.
Regarding SARS, you are remembering the whole event wrongly. Chinese government at first tried to hide the spread of SARS and actual figure. It is only after the pressure from the outside world (headed by WHO), at last they gave in to the world’s demand and then appointed that China's iron lady (Wu Yi?) to handle the crisis. At that time, a lot of lives have already been lost. That is what we call the lack of free information and transparency. Flawed logic??? Think again.
အေရးေပၚထြက္ေပါက္ကို သတိထားမိတာ ေလယာဥ္ေပၚမွာပဲ..ဒါေတာင္ ေလယာဥ္မယ္ သတိေပးလို ့…ဆာလမတ္ေပ်ာက္သြားတယ္ဆိုေတာ့ MRTေပၚမွာ အေရးေပၚထြက္ေပါက္ကို ရွာတတ္လာတယ္…တြန္းအားေပးမွလုပ္တတ္တာ လူ ့သဘာ၀ထင္ပါ့ကိုေပါေရ…
လြန္ခဲ့တဲ့ February နဲ့ March မွာ Singapore ကိုတလခြဲေလာက္သြားလည္တုန္း Salamet က High Security Prison ကေနလြတ္သြားတာကို ေဂၚရခါးေတြေတာနင္းရွာေနတဲ့ပံုကို Singapore TV ကေနျပေနတာၾကည့္ျပီး ရီေနရတာမွတ္မိေသးတယ္။Salamet စ်န္ရေနတာျဖစ္ရမယ္။ဟီးဟီး။
The whole process is essentially in line with the democratic principles? any literature to support ur argument?
can u argue that democracy can bring an effective government?
i can argue that without effective government u can't have good economic growth or emergency response.
u should read this. http://www.econ.ucdavis.edu/faculty/woo/Woo.Inadequacies%20of%20Washington%20Consensus.pdf
In democracy, the government has to be accountable to its people. The reaction of the Chinese government to recent earthquake showed, to some extent, some accountability to its people probably due to the reasons I have stated before. That is why it received a overwhelming support from all all parts of the world, unlike the last time when it was not accountable to its people, and unlike the time when it handled the Tibet crisis.
I can assure you that, in democracy, people can bring down an ineffective goverment even if they have wrongly chosen the incompetent government into power. It is impossible to do so in the undemocratic Myanmar, China and Singapore.
Well, You don't need to argue for your last statement because it is truthful. Without effective government, we can't have good economic growth. Even in democracy, if you have a lousy government, your economy can't grow. But remember, in democracy, you can bring it down when you are not happy with its performance.
Please argue if my statements above are not valid with your own words and reasons.
And sorry that I can't give time to read your 35-page document. Please summarize the main points in the article without exceeding 10 lines. Thank you.
hi ko paw,
How will u solve the problem of ‘perpetual cycle of elected, incompetent government’?
For the article, u should take time and read. I can’t summarize for u. Its for ur own good.
If you want to read something short, read http://burmesegoldbull.blogspot.com/2008/04/liberal-ideology.html
Hi BurmeseGoldBull,
How will you solve the problem of non-perpetual but seemingly permanent, unelected, incompetent governments?
If you acknowledge that it is harder to bring down the authoritian governments like those in Burma, China and Singapore, I can explain further to you.
Hint: You should wonder why Japan, S.Korea and most of the EU countries have stronger and bigger economies and better societies than those ruled by dictators.
Have an armed revolution and become a failed state. From there try to get the first elected, incompetent government. And use election to overthrow this government and get ‘‘perpetual cycle of elected, incompetent government’.
So now my question - How will u solve the problem of ‘perpetual cycle of elected, incompetent government’?
And I don’t see the reason to bring down the government in China and Singapore. They are good enough for me. May be they not good enough for people who believe in utopia.
Btw, do u know the history of ‘Japan, S.Korea and EU countries’? One thing you will definitely know is that they are not Burmese.
Ko Paw said...
Your answer surprised me as I expected more from you. Remember that we are trying to bring down the military dictatorship to pave the way for democracy. But you suggested an armed revolution to do that? Ha Ha....
After we bring down the SPDC, we will surely have an democratically elected government, perpetual or not, which is accountable to the people. There will be media freedom, the judiciary will be totally independent. I don't deny that it will take several years before all the dust are settled down. If you observed the history of the democracies, it took several years before reaching to the present status. But it doesn't mean that we should never try to nurture Democracy in our country.
You said " One thing you will definitely know is that they are not Burmese."
Why do you think our people don't deserve the democracy and freedom enjoyed by other people from democratic countries? Are you a racist or having an inferiority complex?
If you think economic well being alone is enough for you, are you willing to work as someone's slave if he takes care of your economic well being (food, shelter, clothing, etc)? I hope not. You will certainly long for your freedom.
If you take a European, an African and an Asian and twist their arms, all will feel pain. If you arbitrarily jail them, they will all desire to be free. If you put a bullet in their heads, they will all die. Thus the claim that Burmese people doesn't deserve with Democracy is false assertion. Rather, it is the suggestion that Burmese are somehow culturally incapable of exercising basic rights and practising democracy which really smacks of racism.
By the way, what is your intention in promoting dictatorship and opposing the democracy for Burmese?
I’m not promoting dictatorship for Burmese. I’m only skeptical of those people who believe in utopia.
U said, “There will be media freedom, the judiciary will be totally independent.” You can have that only in utopia.
Dictatorship can only be brought down by armed revolution. History shows us that after armed revolution, chances are high for revolutionary leader to become dictator himself. That is to say that u can’t achieve democracy by armed revolution. May be u can have election after revolution not democracy. To achieve democracy, u have to evolve towards it. Here I’m not advocating any particular method to achieve democracy.
History also shows us that all present day democratic societies were already achieving economic success long before they become democratic. Why? It’s because of their belief system, because of their values, because of their hardwork, not because of democracy.
I believe everybody deserves democracy as long as they know how to achieve it, value it and sustain it. I find it naïve to constantly ask for ‘democracy’ without knowing the advantages and limitation of democracy.
It’s time Burmese really need to sit down and think about the meaning of democracy, its value and belief system and supporting institutions. We’ll always be at disadvantage as long as we have the right to change government every half decade. It’s not democracy. The meaning of democracy is more than that. Democracy means having values – supporting them, defending them. Democracy must be supported by strong institutions – the foundation. Do we have the foundation yet?
U said, “If you think economic well being alone is enough for you, are you willing to work as someone's slave if he takes care of your economic well being (food, shelter, clothing, etc)?” Please think again, if u are a slave, how do u have ur economic well being? Who will take care of ur economic well being?
sorry.. correction.
We’ll always be at disadvantage as long as we think we are having democracy if we have the right to change government every half decade.
No one is talking about Utopia. We were just talking about democracy. We know that democracy has it own shortcomings. But we are sure that it is much desirable than dictatorship.
And no one is talking about "media freedom and independence of judiciary" in absolute sense. But if you are sincere enough, you will have to admit that media is relatively much more free and judiciary is much more independent in democratic countries than in the three countries you are defending.
But I saw a lot of insincerities in your replies.
(1) First, you never answered my questions in a straightforward manner. But you chose to come up with more pointless questions.
(2) Then you will state some universal truths which no one is denying (For example, you would state that economic growth can occur only when the government is competent.) The reason is you wanted to confuse the readers before you start with your propaganda lies.
(3) You wrote some of your previous false statements as if they were mine. (For example, you suggested "to have armed revolution to bring down the dictatorship". But in the next comment, strangly you wanted to argue against your own statement. I have never ever said that armed revolution will bring democracy.)
(4) You never acknowledge that it is harder to bring down the incompetent governments in dictatorship, while it is possible to do so in democracy.
From these insincerities, I made a conclusion about your nature and your intention.
(A) You wanted to say that only after making the various fundamental institutions (pillars for democracy) stronger, that Burma will be ready for full (liberal) democracy. But you believe (and you want us to believe) that this can done only by working close with the authoritarian regime like SPDC. In other words, you want to follow the steps of Dr. Ne Win Maung and so-called Third group.
(B) You don't want to accept that we can bring down the dictatorship by the people power (mass uprising, civil disobedience, boycott, etc). It is because if you accept this ideology, you will have to sacrifice to some extent. You don't want to do that. All you want to do is just readily want a position in an organization or in a decision making body (of course, in the name of filling POWER VACUUM, ha ha).
This is also because you know that a person like you will never be able to become a people's choice of leader in a democratic society (how can people choose a person as their leader when he despises them, when he makes a prejudice on them, when he thought that his people doesn't deserve the freedom and rights other people are enjoying?)
(C) As long as your economic well-being is allowed by dictators to some extent, you are willing to be their slaves. For example, you want to be a slave of Lee regime as long as you can study/work here with a steady income and you don't want to make a fuss about the less fortunates (Selfish?). You don't bother whatever rights of yours and whatever freedom they get rid of you. I would say "that is the slave mentality". Well, you can go on with that if you wish. But don't try to promote slavery to us.
Therefore, here are my words to you.
Please go ahead and work hand in hand with the dictators to build the fundament institutions for democracy if you think you are capable of doing so. But you will never win my support.
No one is judging you, yet u judge me. U believe that u have superior morality and u made a judgment. U like to do judging and u wanna talk about liberal democracy. If u believe in liberalism, u don’t do the judging. Anyway that’s another point.
I won’t say anything if u said, “media is relatively much more free and judiciary is much more independent in democratic countries than in the three countries you are defending” in the beginning.
1) I already explained to u that u can bring down any dictatorship by armed revolution. But I didn’t say u won’t get another dictatorship in doing so. Neither did I say that u will achieve in doing so.
2) U need to rephrase ur accusation so that I can understand them better.
3) “dictatorship can be brought down by armed revolution.” I said that and I don’t deny that. Read point no. 1 again. I don’t argue against my statement too.
4) Read point no.1 and 3 again. And answer my previous question, “How will u solve the problem of ‘perpetual cycle of elected, incompetent government?”
5) I’m not promoting any particular method of achieving democracy. I’m only skeptical about people who seem to believe in utopia.
6) Read point no1, 3 and 4 again.
7) “slave to Lee regime”? justify ur accusation.
correction - Neither did I say that u will achieve democracy in doing so.
I draw a conclusion, from your comments, that you are indeed an insincere person. That is my right to form my own opinion. If you could impress me with your integrity and intelligence, I would have form a differnt opinion.
But you have already judged our Burmese as a race which doesn't deserve and is not ready for democracy. You seem to despise our people alot. Why should I belive that you have any good intention for our country and waste my time to entertain your pointless questions? After all, I am not even sure your are a Myanmar national.
wher did i say Burmese doesn't deserve and is not ready for democracy?
i aldy said that everybody deserves democracy as long as they know how to achieve it, value it and sustain it.
U accuse me of not a sincere person and not a Myanmar. Wat can I say?
If u r sincere u should answer my question as I aldy ans all u qs.
But if u can’t answer, u can keep it, think abt it over and over again.
ျမန္မာေရႊ ႏြား
ဘာေၾကာင့္မ်ား စင္ကာပူက ေဒါက္တာခ်ီးနဲ႔ ပတ္သက္တဲ့ ပို႔စ္ေတြကိုမွေရြးၿပီး အသည္းအသန္ ေကာ္မန္႔ေတြ တင္ေနရတာပါလိမ့္...ထူးဆန္းလိုက္တာ!
You asked, "How will u solve the problem of perpetual cycle of elected, incompetent government?"
This is a very general question. My very general answer for your question is that we can solve the problem by finding out the contributing factors of it, analyze them and change them so that the problem will be solved.
If you want a specific answer, you must first tell me under what conditions a perpetual cycle of elected, incompetent government can exist. Ask sensibly, not pointlessly and stupidly. If you can't, just shut up!
Hello Ko Shwe Nwarr,,
You said...
"I can sense that Ko Paw believe in utopia. :D"
Is there anything wrong even if I believe in Utopia (although I have never said so)?
Believeing in Utopia is far better than believing in evil.
If you want me to believe in the dictatorship, you'd better come up with compelling reasons rather than a nonsense comment.
Myo Myint Maung,
Here u r again! I thought u will keep ur words. U aldy said no more comments for me. But u still wanna do what u r good at doing… brilliant! But don’t be a flip-flop. Ppl will despise u.
My question to ko paw is simple, "How will u solve the problem of perpetual cycle of elected, incompetent government?" Nothing to angry abt.
I’v aldy defined the problem.
So when u tackle this problem, u have to come out with all possible scenarios and all possible answers to it.
If u can’t do that, nvm. This question was not directed to u.
Relax.. go sleep at a corner. :D
Ko Paw,
Nothing wrong to me if u believe in Utopia. But I dn’t noe wat will go wrong to u if u believe so.
When did I say that i want u to believe in the dictatorship? How did u get this conclusion. U must hv a brilliant brain to get this brilliant conclusion.
After all, my question is simple. U don’t need to be angry abt it.
As I aldy said, if u can’t answer, u can keep it, think abt it over and over again.
Take care.
What's wrong with me answering the question? You want an answer anyway, right? Your question is already answered adequately according to the nature of your question. If you want a more detailed answer, you must first come up with a more detailed question. Remember that no one is obliged to educate you.
You can only ask questions pointlessly, and you don't know how to bring the discussion to a deeper level when you are given answers. When you are asked questions in return, you ignore them and avoid answering them by bringing up irrelevant matters.
By the way, I don't mind other people will hate me for what I say. I am willing to take the responsibility for my words and deeds. That's why I don't bother to hide my true identity as a coward like you does.
Ko Paw,
Let's stop wasting our time with BurmeseGoldBull. It's just pointless to answer his questions and give attention to him. We are not obliged to educate him or help him find answers for his stupid, pointless questions. He's just a nobody who will do nothing even if he gets all the answers.
BurmeseGoldBull = a nobody
His opinions = rubbish
Hahaha! :D
I will no longer answer any pointless question of BurmeseGoldBull for two reasons. First, he asks questions because he just wants to ask questions without any good purpose. Second, he is just a nobody.
If there is someone else, with a real identity, who sincerely wants to know my answers for the questions of BurmeseGoldBull, please go ahead and ask me the questions again. I will not hesitate to answer them.
'ေရႊႏြား'ကျမန္မာလို မဖတ္တတ္ဘူးထင္တယ္။ ;D
သူ႔ၾကည့္ရတာ ေရးတဲ့ပို႔စ္ကိုေဆြးေႏြးတာမဟုတ္ဘဲ အဂၤလိပ္လိုေရးတဲ့ေကာ္မန္႔ေတြကိုေလာက္ဘဲ တကူးတက႐ွာၿပီး ဖ်စ္ညွစ္ေဆြးေႏြးေနရ႐ွာတယ္..သနားစရာ :D ။ 'စ'လံုး သို႔မဟုတ္ 'စ'လံုးစိတ္ေပါက္ေနတဲ့ 'ဆ'လိမ္မ်ားလား ဟားဟား...
စာဖတ္သူေရ….ဟုတ္တယ္။ “ဗမာေရႊႏြား” နာမည္ကသာ “ဗမာေရႊႏြား” ျဖစ္ေနတာ။ ျမန္မာစာကုိ လုံး၀ ဖတ္တတ္ပုံမရဘူး။ က်ေနာ့္ပုိ႔စ္ေတြတုိင္းမွာ ေ၀ဖန္ႏုိင္တာမ်ဳိးမဟုတ္ဘဲ၊ တေယာက္ေယာက္က အဂၤလိပ္လုိေရးသြားတာကုိ က်ေနာ္က အဂၤလိပ္လုိ ကြန္မင့္ျပန္ေရးပါမွ သူ႕ချမာ ၀င္္ေရးရရွာတာ။ တ႐ုတ္၊ျမန္မာအစုိးရနဲ႔ စကၤာပူအစုိးရကုိ အေသအလဲကာကြယ္ၿပီး
လစ္ဘရယ္ဒီမုိကေရစီကုိ အေရမရအဖတ္မရ ေမးခြန္းေတြနဲ႔ လုိက္ၿပီး ကြက္ရွင္ထုတ္ေနပုံေထာက္ရင္ ပီေအပီအစုိးရရဲ႕ လက္ကုိင္ဒုတ္ျဖစ္ဘုိ႔ က်ိန္းေသတယ္။ ေမြးကတည္းက စလုံးမွာေမြးၿပီး ႀကီးျပင္းလာတဲ့ ဗမာျဖစ္ဘုိ႔ ေသခ်ာသေလာက္ရွိတယ္။ ဒီကြန္မင့္ကုိ သူ အခ်ိန္ဘယ္ေလာက္ယူၿပီး ျပန္မလဲ ၾကည့္ၾကေသးတာေပါ႔။ ဗမာျဖစ္ၿပီး ဗမာကုိ ဒီေလာက္အထင္ေသးတာ သူတေယာက္ဘဲ ေတြ႕ဘူးေသးသဗ်ဳိ႕။
Hi Myo Myint Maung,
I agree with you. I won't waste my time by answering his repeated and pointless questions. :-)
Ko Paw,
If u have the ability to see things clearly, you will understand my questions are not repeated. My two questions still remain the same. But I need to repeat them here and there so that you two remember our original topics.
I can’t progress my discussion further from that because you two are avoiding the topic but focusing on other trivial issues, attacking the people.
As far as Im concerned, I’ve answered all ur questions. I’ve clarify all ur doubts. If you are not still happy with my answers, u can still bring out the questions again.
U asked me how to bring down the dictators. I answered that u can do so by armed revolution.
U asked me what’s wrong with believing in utopia. I told u nothing will go wrong to me but I don’t know wat will happen to u.
But there are no answers form u for my questions.
But if u don’t know the answers, its ok. I understand. U don’t need to try hard attacking me to cover up this. Nobody will blame you.
Btw, I don’t despise my own people who knows what they are talking or what they are doing. I’m just a nobody as Myo Myint Maung said.
And I’m not defending any governments. Don’t make the wrong conclusion. It’s shows the outright stupidity or being narrow-minded.
Try to understand what is liberalism, have and open-mind, embrace all ideas and try to change ur behavior. Its for ur own good.
Myo Myint Maung,
As I explained to u earlier, I’ve defined the problem. U can’t force me to change anymore. Its ok if u don’t hv the answer. Just try to learn more.
Many times again, I aldy told u that I can’t bring the discussions to another level because u r not participating in the discussions. All u do is attacking me. Ur behavior is exactly the same as the government u r opposing.
All they and u do best is to attack aimlessly and pointlessly. From the beginning u try to take me down by saying im stupid. U said no more comments for me. Do u show any willingness to do discussion?
When I ask u abt classical liberalism and new liberalism, u said u don’t know anything abt them. So what is there for me to continue?
Now u said since im not using my real name, im a nobody, u can’t answer my questions. That explain that why I can’t bring my discussion to another level. The problem with the authoritarian is that they think that they r somebody and the rest r nobody. They think only they can lead the society and the rest r out to destroy the society they r building. They believe that they don’t need to listen to the rest, engage the rest, have dialog with rest or sympathize with the rest since the rest r nobody.
U may not realize, but its exactly the same mentality u have. U and dictators have no differences. All they do is attacking the persons with different views and dismissing them as nobody.
Good work! U have potential to become a dictator.
"The problem with the authoritarian is that they think that they r somebody and the rest r nobody. They think only they can lead the society and the rest r out to destroy the society they r building. They believe that they don’t need to listen to the rest, engage the rest, have dialog with rest or sympathize with the rest since the rest r nobody."
ဒါ စကၤာပူကို သ႐ုပ္ေဖာ္ထားတာထင္တယ္ ။ လံုးဝ ကြက္တိဘဲ။
မင္းရဲ့ေကာ္မန္႔ေတြ ဖတ္ၿပီး အေတာ္ႀကီးကိုစိတ္ပ်က္မိတယ္။ မင္းရဲ့ အေရမရ အဖတ္မရေမးခြန္း ေတြကို ေျဖတဲ့လူေတြက အခ်ိန္ကုန္ခံေျဖၿပီးၿပီ။ ဒါကိုဘဲ မင္းကမၿပီးနိုင္မစီးနိုင္ထပ္ခါတလဲလဲ ျပန္ေမးေနတယ္။ဘာသေဘာနဲ႔ဒီလိုလုပ္ေနသလဲ စဥ္းစားလို႔မရေအာင္ဘဲ။ ငါတို႔ ျမန္မာထဲမွာ မင္းလိုစုန္းျပဴးေတြ႐ွိေနတာ အမ်ိဳးနာတယ္။
( မင္း ျမန္မာလိုဖတ္တတ္ရင္ ဒီေကာ္မန္႔ကိုနားလည္မွာဘဲ )
dear စာဖတ္သူ,
wat i see is all one-sided accusation and attacking - no real answers or discussions.
Im sorry if u see it as “မင္းကမၿပီးနိုင္မစီးနိုင္ထပ္ခါတလဲလဲ ျပန္ေမးေနတယ္”. If I can conclude something, I can move on.
ဟုတ္ၿပီ...စာဖတ္သူတေယာက္အေန နဲ႔ ငါကေတာ့့ ဒီေမးခြန္း ကိုေမးခဲ့တဲ့သူ မင္း ကိုယ္တိုင္ ရဲ့ အေျဖကဘာလဲဆိုတာ ပိုစိတ္ဝင္စားတယ္။ ကိုေပါ နဲ႔ မ်ိဳးျမင့္ေမာင္ကို မင္းက ျပန္ၿပီးေလ့လာခိုင္းေနတယ္ဆိုေတာ့ မင္းကေတာ့ေလ့လာၿပီးသားမို႔ေပါ့။ ဒီမွာ မင္းရဲ့ေမးခြန္း "How will u solve the problem of perpetual cycle of elected, incompetent government?" ကဲ..မင့္အေျဖက ဘာလဲ??
dear စာဖတ္သူ,
thank u for ur interest.
i'll post it in my own blog later.
Main while, I believe u may want to read this two book.
Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity.
The Great Disruption: Human Nature and the Reconstitution of Social Order.
မင္းအေျဖကို ဒီပို႔စ္ေအာက္မွာဘဲျပန္တင္ပါ။ မင္း ဒီမွာျပန္တင္မွ မင္းဟာက အဓိပၸါယ္႐ွိေတာ့မွာေပါ့ကြ ေဟ့လူရ :D ( အေရးထဲ ဘေလာက္ ေၾကာ္ျငာဝင္ထိုးေနေသးတယ္ )
မင္းအေျဖက က်မ္းတခုစာေလာက္မ႐ွည္နိုင္ဘူးမဟုတ္လား။ ငါ ဒီမွာဘဲျပန္ေစာင့္ဖတ္မယ္။
Mr. BurmeseGoldBull,
You seem to be very knowlegeable about political science and politics. I want to ask you to answer your own questions so that others can learn your ideas. "Sar Phat Thu" already asked you one of your questions but he forgot to ask another one.
How many years do you need to establish liberal democracy in Burma?
Please answer the question, too. I will be looking forward to your answer. I hope your answer will be very good.
Kyaw Kyaw
Im just a nobody. but Sincerely i'll do my best to get something.
Mr. burmesegoldbull,
Please make sure that you do get something for your own questions. :D
When u have very small and limited talent pool, generally the government will be incompetent. So how to solve the problem? Try to enlarge the talent pool. How to enlarge the talent pool? That’s another problem.
How many years will Myanmar need to establish liberal democracy? Try looking at the western history. How many years did they need to build their own liberal society? How many countries in the West are liberal? The answer depends on how to define ‘liberal’. How many Asian countries are liberal? I see noon. Why? That's another question.
So when noon of the Asian countries are liberal countries, how many year will it take for a country which is currently under military dictatorship? My answer will be ’close to infinity’.
Military dictatorship does not exit alone. It has its supporting foundations. To change these foundations to support liberalism, it is a daunting task.
So try to learn how to walk first. When u can’t walk, don’t talk about going to the moon. Just because others are walking on the moon, it doesn’t mean that its an easy task to walk on the moon. But It doesn’t mean that u can’t dream of walking on the moon. U just first hv to prioritize the tasks.
Mr. burmesegoldbull,
The first words that came to my mind when I had read your answers were "that's it?". How short, vague and general your answers are! I really was expecting a lot more than that from you. Come on, you even said you would like to write a blog post in order to answer.
Simple layman knowledge and common sense make me agree with you that a lack of adequate talent pool can produce a perpetual cycle of elected, incompetent governments although I think there cannot be just "one" factor causing that problem. For instance, almost all the Zimbabweans know that the Mugabe government is incompetent, but they can choose only this government because Mugabe represses all oppositions making his government the single option. It is just the tip of the iceberg I know. The real situation can be much more complicated. Anyway, suppose the lack of talent pool is the immediate cause of perpetual cycle of elected, incompetent governments - why is there such a lack of talent pool in the first place and how will you solve it? Remember that your question is about how to solve the problem, not just what causes the problem. So, please answer the question again.
"How" will you solve the problem of perpetual cycle of elected, incompetent governments?
Your answer for your second question is even worse. Instead of answering the questions directly, you asked more questions - how many years did they (the western countries) need to build their own liberal society?, how many countries in the West are liberal?, and how many Asian countries are liberal and why? - but didn't provide any clear answer for them as well. I agree with you that establishing democracy in Burma is a daunting task. Well, how many years do you need to do that task? "Close to infinity" is not a practical answer. Rremember you accused Ko Myo Myint Maung that he couldn't answer the question because he had never done anything to establish liberal democracy in Burma. What about you? You also said we just have to prioritize the tasks. What are the tasks and how should we prioritize them? So, all in all, please answer your second question again, too.
How many years (and why) do you need to establish liberal democracy in Burma?
I expect you can answer better this time, and hope you are not the kind of person who is fooled by his own questions. All the best. :D
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