ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္နဲ႔ ဦးသိန္းစိန္ ပထမအႀကိမ္ေတြ႕ဆုံပြဲၿပီးလုိ႔ ယခု ရက္ေပါင္း 4894 ရက္ တိတိၾကာခဲ့ပါၿပီ။

“ထူးဆန္းေသာ ဝန္ခ်ေတာင္းပန္စာ”

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သုိ႔.... စာဖတ္သူ မိဘျပည္သူမ်ားခင္ဗ်ား။

မၾကာမီက မိမိတုိ႔ “သေဘာက္”ဂ်ာနယ္မွ ျပဳလုပ္ခဲ့ေသာ ခန္႔မွန္းေဟာကိန္းထုတ္မႈမ်ားသည္ ယခုအခါ မမွန္ကန္ေၾကာင္း ထင္ရွားလာေသာေၾကာင့္ မိမိတုိ႔ အေနျဖင့္ စာဖတ္သူ ျပည္သူမ်ားအား မ်က္ႏွာေအာက္ခ်၍ ႐ုိက်ဳိးစြာ ေတာင္းပန္ရန္ တာဝန္ရွိသည္ဟု ခံစားရပါသည္။ မိမိတုိ႔၏ ခန္႔မွန္း ေရးသားခဲ့မႈမ်ား မွားယြင္း သြားသည့္တုိင္ မိမိတုိ႔ အေနျဖင့္ ႏုိင္ငံႏွင့္ လူမ်ဳိးအေပၚ ထားရွိေသာ ေစတနာ ရာႏႈန္းျပည့္ မွန္ကန္မႈရွိေၾကာင္းကုိမူ က်ိန္ဆုိ၍ ေျပာၾကားလုိပါသည္။ ဘုရားစူး၊ မုိးႀကဳိးပြတ္၊ ကာလနာတုိက္၊ ခ်ီးကားတုိက္။

မိမိတုိ႔၏ ေဟာကိန္းထုတ္မႈမ်ားသည္ ၁၀၂.၀၉ ရာႏႈန္းျပည့္ ႐ုိးသား ေျဖာင့္မတ္မႈ ရွိၿပီး ႏုိင္ငံႏွင့္ လူမ်ဳိးအေပၚ ထားရွိေသာ ေစတနာ မွန္ကန္မႈရွိေၾကာင္း မွတ္ေက်ာက္တင္ခံႏုိင္ပါသည္။ ထုိ႔အျပင္ မည္သည့္ Stakeholder တစ္ဖက္ဖက္ကုိမွ် နိမ့္ပါးေစလုိေသာ ဆႏၵမရွိဘဲ ဘက္ေပါင္းစုံ Win-Win-Win-Win..............Win-Win အလုိ႔ငွာသာ ရည္ရြယ္ခဲ့ေၾကာင္းကုိလည္း မွတ္ေက်ာက္တင္ခံႏုိင္ပါသည္။

မည္သုိ႔ပင္ျဖစ္ေစ မိမိတုိ႔၏ ခန္႔မွန္းသုံးသပ္ခ်က္မ်ား မွားယြင္းခဲ့ေၾကာင္းကုိမူ စာဖတ္သူမ်ားသုိ႔ ႐ုိးသားစြာ ၀န္ခံလုိပါသည္။ မိမိတုိ႔ ၏ ေစတနာအမွားသာလွ်င္ျဖစ္၍ စာဖတ္သူမ်ားအား ေမွ်ာ္လင့္ခ်က္အမွား ေပးရာ ေရာက္ခဲ့လွ်င္လည္း မိမိတုိ႔၏ အႏူးအညြတ္ ေတာင္းပန္မႈကုိ လက္ခံ၍ စာဖတ္သူမ်ားက ခြင့္လႊတ္ ေပးၾကမည္ဟု ယုံၾကည္ပါသည္။ ထုိသုိ႔ သနားခြင့္လႊတ္ၿပီးသကာလ မိမိတုိ႔ “သေဘာက္”ဂ်ာနယ္ကုိ ဝယ္ဖတ္ၿမဲ ဝယ္ဖတ္မည္ဟု မိမိတုိ႔ ေမွ်ာ္လင့္လ်က္ရွိပါသည္။ ဆက္လက္ အားေပးၾကပါဦးေနာ္။

မိမိတုိ႔ အေနျဖင့္မူ မိမိတုိ႔ သႏၷိ႒ာန္ခ်မွတ္ထားသည့္အတုိင္း ႏုိင္ငံႏွင့္ လူမ်ဳိး အတြက္ မေလွ်ာ့ေသာ ဇဲြလု႔ံလျဖင့္ ႐ုိးသားေသာအမွားမ်ားကုိ ထပ္ကာ ထပ္ကာ အဖန္တလဲလဲ က်ဴးလြန္ေနဦးမည္သာ ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္းကုိလည္း ေအာက္ပါ သီခ်င္းေလးအတုိင္း စာဖတ္သူမ်ားသုိ႔ တပါတည္း အသိေပး လုိက္ပါသည္။

“အရင္လုိ ဘဝအစမွာ.... ျပန္ၿပီးေနခြင့္ရေတာင္....
အျပန္တရာ မုိက္ဦးမွာ၊ အဖန္တရာ မွားဦးမွာ.....
သေဘာက္မွာ မ်က္စိမရွိပါ”

အလြန္တရာ ႐ုိးသားေျဖာင့္မတ္ေသာ သေဘာက္ဂ်ာနယ္ အယ္ဒီတာ။


Anonymous said...

Good shot , Ko Paw ;D ;D ;D
( clap ..clap...clap )

Anonymous said...


Sincere Reader said...

I "sincerely" copy this comment from Irrawaddy blog..love to share that incredible comment here:))))))

မ်ဳိးျမင့္ေမာင္ said...
"We sincerely apologize for our sincere mistake and will sincerely continue to do it because we did it sincerely and still sincerely believe that it is the right thing to do even though we were sincerely wrong about it." - The Noise Weekly

P.Ti said...

ေကာင္းလိုက္တဲ့ သေရာ္စာ...

ၾကံဳတုန္းတခုေလာက္ အၾကံေပးပါရေစ။ Allow Blog Feeds ကို Full လုပ္ေပးေစလုိပါတယ္။ ရန္ကုန္ေရာက္တုန္းက ဘေလာ့ေတြကိုဖတ္ေတာ့ reader နဲ႔ ဖတ္ရတာပဲ အဆင္ေျပတယ္။ ဒါေပမယ့္ ကိုေပါရဲ႕ ဘေလာ့က အျပည့္ေပးမထားေတာ့ ဖတ္လို႔မရခဲ့ဘူး။

Anonymous said...

so annoying post. shame on you, ko pyaw, oh sorry, ko paw!

Anonymous said...

I like this post very much.

ေတဇာ (လေရာင္လမ္း) said...


Anonymous said...

ko paw,

we visit and read your blog is to prevent people from bad ideas and misleadings.

Just a place to let people know what's right & wrong.
Don't think you are very popular.

Please accept comments and reply in correct manners.

Anonymous said...

I respect Dr. Nay Win Maung with his pen name "Aung Htut" who runs the Voice and Living Colour magazine more than 90% of the opposition activists and self styled leaders out of Burma.

He is a real follower of Daw Su's advice more than those who are paying lip service to Daw Su.
Dr. Nay Win Maung went to Yale
for a post graduate fellowship, even though it might not have led to any degree, it will help him learn a lot. He earned MBBS in Yangon from IM1, its admission
process is more transparent and meritocratic than some overseas universities. So he is an able man with courage. I do not understand why are you attacking him. Afterall, we do not have balls to
go back home and set up a journal
and work within the constraints.
I respect him more than DVB and Irrawaddy combined.

Ngaman said...

Hi KP, what I think that Dr. Nay Win Mg's apologies would b acceptable rather than Myat Khaing's appologies if he also do so.

မ်ဳိးျမင့္ေမာင္ said...

ဒီမုိကေရစီအရဆုိရင္ မွန္သူေရာမွားသူပါ တညီတည္းေလးစားရမယ္။ ဒါေၾကာင့္ မုဒိမ္းမႈျဖစ္ရင္ အေစာ္ကားခံရသူရဲ႕ နစ္နာမႈတင္မက မုဒိမ္းေကာင္ရဲ႕ အာသာရမၼက္ကုိလည္း ေလးစားရမယ္။ ဘယ္သူမွ မနာေစပဲ ဖာခ်ချဖင့္ ေၾကေအးရမယ္။ ဒါလည္း မုဒိမ္းေကာင္ တတ္ႏုိင္တဲ့ အတုိင္းအတာသာ ျဖစ္ရမယ္။ အိတ္ထဲ႐ွိသမွ် မေတာင္းသင့္ဘူး။ ၅၀% ပဲ ေတာင္းသင့္တယ္။

က်ေနာ္တုိ႔ အားလုံးကုိ win-win ျဖစ္ေစခ်င္လုိ႔ ဖာခ်ခကုိ ယူဖုိ႔ ေစတနာအရင္းခံၿပီး တုိက္တြန္းခဲ့ပါတယ္။ တဖက္ကလည္း တန္ရာတန္ေၾကးေပးမယ္လုိ႔ ယုံၾကည္ခဲ့ပါတယ္။ အခုလုိ မတန္တဆေစ်းနိမ္ခံရတဲ့အတြက္ က်ေနာ္တုိ႔မွားတယ္လုိ႔ ၀န္ခ်ေတာင္းပန္ပါတယ္။

- The Noise Weekly

ကုိေပါ said...

P.Ti.... Feed နဲ႔ပတ္သက္ၿပီး Feedback ေပးတဲ့အတြက္ ေက်းဇူးတင္ပါတယ္။ က်ေနာ္ Setting ထဲမွာ ဝင္ၿပီး ျပင္လုိက္ပါၿပီ။

Anonymous said...

It is more complicated than rape.
The Burmese armed forces is the
only Burman held institution in
a country with 60,000 strong
ethnic and religious lunatic

In sense, phased transition may
not be an ideal but it makes
less riskier. The ideal situation will be a government in which power is shared between Daw Su, some leading generals and right mix of race and religion in the cabinet who shares same values. But we are not in ideal world.

So the voice had done good job,
they advocated for NDF - NLD leaders should have helped NDF
to win more seats but while Daw
Su was inside NLD leaders were
clueless and when Dr. Nay Win
Maung wrote his frustrations
with courage, we should admire
him. I do not see reasons to
critisize him. Afterall he is
far more better than those bums
in overseas.

Anonymous said...

To Myo Myint Maung,

Good. I like your idea.
Can you tell me where is your sister staying?
Don't worry.
I will bring $100 ( in cash) so that 50% is considered "Not Bad".

Anonymous said...

လက္စက္သတ္ေတာ့ ျမန္မာျပည္က မုဒိန္းေကာင္ သန္းေရြွ ကုိေပါဘေလာ့မွာ comment လာေရးေနတာကုိး။
(referring အေပၚက မုဒိန္းေကာင္)

ko said...

ေခါင္းစဥ္ကို ရွားေလာ႕ဟုမ္းဝတၳဳေတြထဲကလို..
" သေဘာက္ဂ်ာနယ္မွ ဝဲထူေနေသာေခြးႀကီးရဲ႕
ထူးဆန္း ရြံရွာဖြယ္ေကာင္းေသာ အံဖတ္"


★သခင္မ်ဳိးေဟ့ဒုိ႔ျမန္မာ★ said...

ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ေျပာစကားက ဘာမွ မဆုိင္ပဲ ျမတ္ဗုဒၶတရားနဲ႔ ခုိင္းႏွဳိင္းထားတယ္။ ဒီမုိေတြကေတာ့ ဘုန္းၾကီးေတြကုိ ကလိမ္ကက်စ္နည္းနဲ႔ လွည့္ပတ္ စည္းရုံးေနျပန္ျပီ။ ဒီမွာဖတ္ၾကည့္ပါဦး

ေက်ာ္ထင္ said...

To Anonymous November 18, 2010 9:10 PM

While the phased transition is not a bad idea, lack no signs which prove the country would be going to a such transition should have been well-understood not to have misled the people. You didn't see the reason to criticize him but why other people see other way round and why he himself acknolwedges what he advocated for has turned out to be not as he'd expected? The answer itself is obvious. He should have known if he were to advocate the sham election, he would have to bear responsibility that the process be free and fair. Now, his active advocacy without any such guarantee has finally ended up as nothing but a fraud. That is why we denounced him for his irresponsibility regarding the electoral irregularities and his stubbornness to stick to his already wrong course. If you are his staunch supporter, let him know what people think of him.

★သခင္မ်ဳိးေဟ့ဒုိ႔ျမန္မာ★ said...

လြမ္းေဆြဘေလာ့မွ ဒီမိုကေရစီေရး ႀကိဳးပမ္းမႈသမိုင္းကို ျပန္လည္သုံးသပ္ၾကည့္ျခင္း မွာေရးထားတဲ့ ေကာ္မန္႔ပါ။

(ထိုေၾကာင့္ ထိုကဲ့သုိ႔ ရွားရွားပါးပါး ျပည္သူေထာက္ခံမႈ ရရွိထားည့္ ေခါင္းေဆာင္ကို ဘာလုပ္ပါ၊ ညာလုပ္ပါဆိုတာ မ်ဳိးထက္ သူမသိရန္လိုသည့္ သတင္းအခ်က္အလက္မ်ား ပံ့ပိုးေပးျခင္း၊ ကူညီ႐ိုင္းပင္းျခင္း တို႔ျဖင့္သာ ဝန္းရံဘုိ႔လိုပါသည္။)

ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ ေျပာသမွ် လက္ညွိးေထာင္ ေခါင္းညိတ္လုပ္တာကုိ စည္းလုံးျခင္းလုိ႔ ထင္ေနရွာတယ္။ အားလုံး တစ္သံထဲ ထြက္မွ စည္းလုံးတယ္လုိ႔ထင္ရင္. . . . ေျမာက္ကုိရီးယားလုိ အဏာရွင္ စံနစ္ကုိ လုပ္လုိက္ေပါ့။ ဆန္႔က်င္တဲ့ စကားေျပာသူမွန္သမွ် သတ္ျပစ္ေပါ့။ တကယ္ေတာ့ အဲဒါ စည္းလုံးျခင္း မဟုတ္ဘူးဗ်။ ငတုံး၊ ငအ ျဖစ္ျခင္းပဲ။ ႏွစ္ ၂၀လုံးလုံး ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ကပဲ ဒုိင္ခံျပီး စဥ္းစားဆုံးျဖတ္ေပးခဲ့တယ္။ ( တျခားလူေတြက ေခါင္းထဲမွာ ဦးေဏွာက္မပါလုိ႔ သူေျပာသမွ် လက္ညွိးေထာင္ ေခါင္းျငိတ္လုပ္ေနတာလား? ) သူအဖမ္းခံရတဲ့အခ်ိန္မွာ NLD က တျခားလူေတြဟာ ဘာမွ မလုပ္တတ္ျဖစ္ကုန္တယ္။ အဲဒီအမွားကုိ ဒီမုိေတြက သင္ခန္းစာမယူဘူး။ လမ္းေဟာင္းအတုိင္းပဲ ဆက္ေလွ်ာက္ေနတယ္။

အဖြဲ႔အစည္းတစ္ခုမွာ လူအမ်ဳိးမ်ဳိးရွိေနေတာ့ အေတြးအေခၚေတြကလဲ အမ်ဳိးမ်ဳိးျဖစ္ေနမွာပဲ။ ေရာင္စုံ အေတြးအေခၚေတြျဖစ္ေနတာက ေဖါက္ျပန္ မွားယြင္းေနတာမဟုတ္ဘူး။ အဲဒါဟာ သဘာ၀ပါ။ မစည္းလုံး ဘူးလုိ႔ မျမင္ရဘူး။ အတူတူေမြးျပီး ရုပ္ခ်င္းတူတဲ့ အမႊာပူးေတြေတာင္ အျမင္ျခင္းတူတာမွ မဟုတ္တာ။ အေတြးအေခၚအမ်ဳိးမ်ဳိးျဖစ္ေနလုိ႔ စိတ္ရွဳပ္တယ္ဆုိတဲ့ေကာင္ဟာ ငတုံး ငအျဖစ္ေနလုိ႔ပဲ။

ဒါ့ေၾကာင့္ အျမင္မတူတဲ့သူအခ်င္းခ်င္း အေပးအယူလုပ္ႏုိင္တာကုိပဲ စည္းလုံးျခင္းလုိ႔ အဓိပါယ္ဖြင့္သင့္တယ္။ ဒီမုိေတြက NLD မွတ္ပုံတင္ေရးတုံးကလဲ အျမင္မတူတဲ့သူေတြ အၾကား အေပးအယူမလုပ္ပဲ ဦးေအာင္ေရႊတုိ႔ကုိ အႏုိင္က်င့္ခဲ့တယ္။ No Vote နဲ႔ Vote No တုံးကလဲ အေပးအယူမလုပ္ႏုိင္ပဲ ေနာက္ဆုံးအခ်ိန္မွ ထျပီး ေကာက္လုပ္ရတယ္။ အခုေရြးေကာက္ပြဲလဲ အေပးအယူမလုပ္ပဲ NDF ကုိ ၀ုိင္းပယ္ျပီး ရန္သူလုိ သေဘာထားေနၾကတယ္။

တူနဲ႔ ဖန္ပုလင္းကုိ ထုလုိက္သလုိပဲ.. ကိစၥတစ္ခုေပၚလာတုိင္း ဒီမုိေတြဟာ အေတြးအေခၚမတူတဲ့သူေတြအၾကား အကြဲအျပဲေတြ ျဖစ္ကုန္တယ္။ ရန္သူေတြလုိ သေဘာထားၾကတယ္။ စည္းလုံးျခင္ရင္ ဒီမုိေတြရဲ႕ စိတ္ဓါတ္ကုိ ေလ့လာပါ . . . အေတြးအေခၚမတူတဲ့သူေတြအေပၚမွာ ဘာေၾကာင့္ အမုံန္းအဃာတေတြ သိပ္ၾကီးေနလဲဆုိတာ အေျဖရွာရမယ္။ ျပဳျပင္သင့္တာကုိ ျပဳျပင္ပါ။ လြန္ခဲ့တဲ့ ႏွစ္၂၀တုံးကလုိပဲ .. ေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ကပဲ ဦးေဆာင္ဆုံးျဖတ္ေစခ်င္ရင္ . . . . သူေသသြားတယ္.. ဒါမွမဟုတ္ အဖမ္းခံရတယ္ဆုိရင္ … ဒီမုိေတာ္လွန္ေရးက .. ဘယ္လုိျဖစ္သြားမလဲ? ရဲရဲေတြးစမ္းပါ။

မိမိကုိယ္ကုိအားမကုိးပဲ ကယ္တင္တင္ရွင္ရွာသည့္ ဒီမုိၾကီးမ်ားကုိ ဟားတုိက္ေနသည့္
ျမင့္ျမတ္သည့္မဟာျမန္မာ၀ါဒီသခင္ၾကီး Mr. ★ဆရာေဇာ္မ်ဳိး★

Anonymous said...

ဒီမုိကေရစီအရဆုိရင္ မွန္သူေရာမွားသူပါ တညီတည္းေလးစားရမယ္။ ဒါေၾကာင့္ မုဒိမ္းမႈျဖစ္ရင္ အေစာ္ကားခံရသူရဲ႕ နစ္နာမႈတင္မက မုဒိမ္းေကာင္ရဲ႕ အာသာရမၼက္ကုိလည္း ေလးစားရမယ္။ ဘယ္သူမွ မနာေစပဲ ဖာခ်ချဖင့္ ေၾကေအးရမယ္။ ဒါလည္း မုဒိမ္းေကာင္ တတ္ႏုိင္တဲ့ အတုိင္းအတာသာ ျဖစ္ရမယ္။ အိတ္ထဲ႐ွိသမွ် မေတာင္းသင့္ဘူး။ ၅၀% ပဲ ေတာင္းသင့္တယ္။

က်ေနာ္တုိ႔ အားလုံးကုိ win-win ျဖစ္ေစခ်င္လုိ႔ ဖာခ်ခကုိ ယူဖုိ႔ ေစတနာအရင္းခံၿပီး တုိက္တြန္းခဲ့ပါတယ္။ တဖက္ကလည္း တန္ရာတန္ေၾကးေပးမယ္လုိ႔ ယုံၾကည္ခဲ့ပါတယ္။ အခုလုိ မတန္တဆေစ်းနိမ္ခံရတဲ့အတြက္ က်ေနာ္တုိ႔မွားတယ္လုိ႔ ၀န္ခ်ေတာင္းပန္ပါတယ္။

- The Noise Weekly

Wow .....!! Very gentleman statement .Sound looks like you- yourself so proud . You should be a leader of Myanmar because you are also same character with current army .Therefore we agreed to current generals because oppositions are also same characters without good performance .Don't compare with Bo Gyoke Aung San , though he used rude words , he already gave up his life for our country and he made challenging with Japanese & British generals.Your status is totally different with Bo Gyoke Aung San .All of your performance can see obviously .I just trust on DASSK because she is totally Bo Gyoke's blood .But she is too much kindness and super - sincerity .She is not deserve to generate in Myanmar ,she & Bo Gyoke are generated at wrong place .

Upset upset upset !!!.......:(:(:(

Anonymous said...

ဒီမုိကေရစီအရဆုိရင္ မွန္သူေရာမွားသူပါ တညီတည္းေလးစားရမယ္။ ဒါေၾကာင့္ မုဒိမ္းမႈျဖစ္ရင္ အေစာ္ကားခံရသူရဲ႕ နစ္နာမႈတင္မက မုဒိမ္းေကာင္ရဲ႕ အာသာရမၼက္ကုိလည္း ေလးစားရမယ္။ ဘယ္သူမွ မနာေစပဲ ဖာခ်ချဖင့္ ေၾကေအးရမယ္။ ဒါလည္း မုဒိမ္းေကာင္ တတ္ႏုိင္တဲ့ အတုိင္းအတာသာ ျဖစ္ရမယ္။ အိတ္ထဲ႐ွိသမွ် မေတာင္းသင့္ဘူး။ ၅၀% ပဲ ေတာင္းသင့္တယ္။

က်ေနာ္တုိ႔ အားလုံးကုိ win-win ျဖစ္ေစခ်င္လုိ႔ ဖာခ်ခကုိ ယူဖုိ႔ ေစတနာအရင္းခံၿပီး တုိက္တြန္းခဲ့ပါတယ္။ တဖက္ကလည္း တန္ရာတန္ေၾကးေပးမယ္လုိ႔ ယုံၾကည္ခဲ့ပါတယ္။ အခုလုိ မတန္တဆေစ်းနိမ္ခံရတဲ့အတြက္ က်ေနာ္တုိ႔မွားတယ္လုိ႔ ၀န္ခ်ေတာင္းပန္ပါတယ္။

- The Noise Weekly

Wow .....!! Very gentleman statement .Sound looks like you- yourself so proud . You should be a leader of Myanmar because you are also same character with current army .Therefore we agreed to current generals because oppositions are also same characters without good performance .Don't compare with Bo Gyoke Aung San , though he used rude words , he already gave up his life for our country and he made challenging with Japanese & British generals.Your status is totally different with Bo Gyoke Aung San .All of your performance can see obviously .I just trust on DASSK because she is totally Bo Gyoke's blood .But she is too much kindness and super - sincerity .She is not deserve to generate in Myanmar ,she & Bo Gyoke are generated at wrong place .

Upset upset upset !!!.......:(:(:(

Anonymous said...

ေခ်ာတိုင္တတ္တာမဟုတ္ပါျပည္သူကိုခ်ီးတြင္းထဲခုန္ဆင္းခိုင္းျခင္းျဖစ္ျပီး နအဖ တရားဝင္ျဖစ္ေအာင္လုပ္ေပးေသာအလံ႐ႉး ေတာင္းပန္ယုံျဖင့္ခင္ဗ်ားအမွားမေက်ပါ၊
ခင္ဗ်ားတတ္ႏိုင္သမွ် ခင္ဗ်ားမိႈင္းတိုက္ခဲ့ေသာသူမ်ားကိုရွင္းျပ၍ ဒီမိုကရက္အင္အားစုမ်ားႏွင့္ပူးေပါင္းပါ

Anonymous said...

During our fighting and chatting period , SPDC is more united and the new cabinet will appear soon .Then, we just follow everything they have done as usual .:P
So far, oppositions are still splitting because they are showing off that how much they know democrocy ...:)
Democracy meaning as below
- colorful arguments with lack of good outcome
- Condemened to those people who proposed different ideas with them
-Just write the blogs by using rude words on paper .
-Split organizations before it reach to goals.

During this , SPDC members are very united to prevent their enemies .They won't split forever on this issue and they know very well about weak point of demo-activists as they are eager to eat small amount of funds while generals are sitting on precious natural resources .
Now,the new generation army officers are getting chance to learn about technology because they can pay enough money and they know how to trade money & technological things .Everybody need money .
Don't under-estimated on competitors and enemy .
Hopefully our demo-alliance to get good strategy rather than talking and lack of good turn .We are boring this stage.We will participate .
Cheers !!!!!!!!!:)P:)

မ်ဳိးျမင့္ေမာင္ said...

သူတုိ႔နဲ႔က အခုမွကြဲေနတာ မဟုတ္ပါဘူးဗ်ာ။ သူတုိ႔က အခုမွ နအဖနဲ႔ ကြဲလာတာ။ နအဖ အင္အားေလ်ာ့လာတယ္ေတာင္ ေျပာလုိ႔ရေသးတယ္။

မွားတာလည္း ေခ်ာတုိင္တက္တာ တခုတည္း မဟုတ္ဘူး။ မွားခဲ့တာ ေတာက္ေလွ်ာက္။ ေခ်ာတုိင္ေထာင္ဖုိ႔ အားေပးခဲ့တယ္။
တုိင္ကူ႐ွာခဲ့တယ္။ ေခ်ာဆီကူသုတ္ခဲ့တယ္။ ေခ်ာတုိင္တက္ဖုိ႔လည္း လုိက္ဆြယ္ခဲ့တယ္။

အခုေတာင္းပန္ေနတာက သူမ်ားေတြလုိ ေခ်ာတုိင္တက္တာတခုတည္း မွားမိသလုိမ်ဳိးနဲ႔ ေဖာေ႐ွာလုပ္ေနတာ။ ဒါေတာင္ တက္ရင္းအက်နာလုိ႔ ေတာင္းပန္တာ။ ေခ်ာတုိင္ကုိ ေ၀ဖန္တာ ဘာမွမ႐ွိဘူး။ ေခ်ာဆီကူသုတ္ခဲ့လုိ႔ ေနာင္တရတယ္လုိ႔ ေျပာတာမ႐ွိဘူး။ ေနာက္ၿပီး ဆက္တက္မယ္ ဆုိပဲ။

★သခင္မ်ဳိးေဟ့ဒုိ႔ျမန္မာ★ said...


ဦးေပါႏွင့္ အတင္းအဖ်င္း စိတ္၀င္စားသူမ်ား

ဟားဟား . . . သိပ္ျပီး ေစာက္တင္းေတြေျပာမေနနဲ႔ဦး။ ဗုိလ္ခ်ဳပ္ေတြကုိ အခ်င္လုိ႔ မထင္နဲ႔ေလ။ အဏာျမဲေအာင္ ဘယ္လုိ ကလိမ္ကက်စ္လုပ္ရမယ္ဆုိတာ သိပ္ကုိ ကြ်မ္းက်င္တယ္။ ဂ်င္၀က္ကုိ ပုိက္ဆံေပးျပီး သူတုိ႔ အိပ္ထဲထည့္ထားတာေတြ႔တယ္ မဟုတ္လား? အေမရိကန္ႏုိင္ငံေရး သမားေတြကုိ ပုိက္ဆံေပးျပီး လုပ္ခဲ့တာေနာ္။ အစ္စေရးလုပ္တဲ့ ဗ်ဴဟာကုိ သူတုိ႔က သုံးေနတာ။

ေနာက္ျပီး အစုိးရ တစ္ခု အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္ဖုိ႔ဆုိတာ အစုိးရရဲ႕ မီဒီယာေတြကုိ လူထုက ယုံမွ အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္လုိ႔ရတယ္။ နအဖ မီဒီယာျဖစ္တဲ့ ေၾကးမုံတုိ႔ကုိ မယုံတဲ့အတြက္ လူထုကုိ မထိမ္းထားႏုိင္ဘူးျဖစ္ေနတယ္။ အေမရိကန္မွာ မီဒီယာေတြအားလုံးကုိ အစုိးရက တုိက္ရုိက္မဟုတ္ပဲ သြယ္၀ုိက္ျပီးထိမ္းထားတာ သိလား?။ ဘယ္မီဒီယာမွ အေမရိကန္ အစုိးရကုိ ေခ်ာင္ပိတ္မယ့္ ေမးခြန္းမ်ဳိး မေမးဘူး။ ဥပမာ UN မွာ 9/11 ကိစၥ အေမ၇ိကန္ အစုိးရ ပတ္သက္တယ္လုိ႔ ေျဗာင္စြပ္စြဲခံရတာ .. . ဘယ္မီဒီယာေတြ အဲဒီအေၾကာင္းကုိ အက်ယ္တ၀င့္တင္ျပခဲ့လဲ? အျဖစ္ေလာက္ပဲ တင္ျပခဲ့တာေနာ္။

စဥ္းစားၾကည့္ေပါ့ . . ဂ်ာနယ္ေတြက နအဖေရြးေကာက္ပြဲကုိ အျပစ္တင္ဖုိ႔ အဆင့္ ၂ဆင့္ေက်ာ္ရမယ္။ ဂ်ာနယ္တုိက္က အရဲစြန္႔ျပီး ေ၀ဖန္တယ္.. ျပီးေတာ့ အဲဒီအရဲစြန္႔တာကုိ စာေပစိစစ္ေရးက ထပ္ခြင့္ျပဳျပန္တယ္။ ဒုိ႔ျမန္မာေတြက ဘာလုိ႔ အဲေလာက္ သတၱိဳေတြရွိလာတာလဲ? ျပည္သူကုိ ေတာင္းပန္တယ္ဆုိပဲ။ ၀ါးဟားဟား။ ျပည္သူကုိ ေတာင္းပန္လုိက္ျပီဆုိေတာ့ ျပည္သူ႔ဘက္က မီဒီယာျဖစ္သြားျပီ။ ျပည္သူေတြကုိ ပိေတာက္ေျမလုိပဲ နအဖကုိ အျပစ္တင္သလုိလုိနဲ႔ နအဖဘက္ကေန ေနလိမ့္မယ္။ ၾကည့္ေပါ့ေလ။ ေၾကးမုံနဲ႔ ေက်းေစတမန္လုိ အစုိးရဘက္ကုိ မ်က္ကန္းပါတဲ့ မီဒီယာလမ္းစဥ္ကုိ စြန္႔လုိက္ျပီလုိ႔ ထင္ပါတယ္။ စဥ္းစဥ္းစားစား ေစာက္တင္းေျပာၾက။

ဟန္ေဆာင္ရန္ျဖစ္တဲ့ အေမရိကန္ ၂ ပါတီအေၾကာင္းဗီဒီယုိေလးေတြ တင္ေပးလုိက္တယ္ေနာ္။ ႏုိင္ငံေရးမွာ ရန္ျဖစ္တယ္ဆုိတုိင္း တကယ္ရန္ျဖစ္တယ္ မထင္ၾကနဲ႔။ ဂ်ာနယ္ေတြက နအဖကုိ ေဆာ္တုိင္းလဲ တကယ္မထင္ၾကနဲ႔။

☀ 2 headed, 1 party system

☀ Democracy Is One Step Closer To Oligarchy.

☀ Alex Jones: How The Elite Control Politics

☀ Ron Paul on the Two-Party System

☀ Young Americans fed up with two party political system?

☀ Two Party System Bad

☀ Two Party System: It Sucks!

တုံးလြန္.. အလြန္းသည့္ ဒီမုိငတုံးမ်ားကုိ စိတ္ကုန္သည့္
ျမင့္ျမတ္သည့္မဟာျမန္မာ၀ါဒီသခင္ၾကီး Mr. ★ဆရာေဇာ္မ်ဳိး★

Anonymous said...

Alex Jones is a nut case conspiracy theorist who
does not know what he is
talking about and since
you are quoting his work,
you must be a nut case.

Media have to keep balanced
view although they can be
biased a bit. For instance,
the Economists magazine leans
to right while there are left
winged journals, BBC is pro
Arab, to take some examples.
I am not talking about low
class unreliable CNN which
is expensive Yankee version
of junta media like Kyae Mon.

Anonymous said...

Reading the Voice journal now. They put Daw Aung San Su Kyi's smiling picture meeting the citizens. Without Voice journal, the average citizen inside Burma may not know
those news. So I do not understand why some are barking at or bashing Ko Nay Win Maung and his team.

Anonymous said...

feed ျပင္လိုက္လိုေက်းဇူးတင္ပါတယ္။ျမန္မာျပည္မွာ reader နဲ႔ဖတ္မွအဆင္ေျပပါတယ္။ feed ျပင္ဖို႔ေတာင္းဆိုတဲ့တစ္ေယာက္ကိုလည္းေက်းဇူးတင္ပါတယ္။

★သခင္မ်ဳိးေဟ့ဒုိ႔ျမန္မာ★ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
★သခင္မ်ဳိးေဟ့ဒုိ႔ျမန္မာ★ said...

(Alex Jones is a nut case conspiracy theorist who does not know what he is talking about and since you are quoting his work, you must be a nut case.)


အမည္မသိ ဒိမုိငတုံး November 19, 2010 3:58 PM

Alex Jones က ငေၾကာင္ဆုိရင္ သူငေၾကာင္ ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း အခ်က္အလက္နဲ႔ ေျပာျပပါလား။ ဒီမုိမီဒီယာေတြက သင္ေပးသလုိ ၾကက္တူေရးအသံနဲ႔ conspiracy theorist ဆုိတာ ဘာမွန္းမသိပဲ စြတ္မေအာ္နဲ႔။ သူက ၂ ႏွစ္ ၃ ႏွစ္ေလာက္ကတည္းက Global Warming ဆုိတာ ဒီမုိအစုိးရေတြ အခြန္တုိးေကာက္ခ်င္လုိ႔ လုပ္ၾကံဇတ္လမ္းလုိ႔ ေျပာခဲ့တာပဲ။ အဲဒီတုံးက ဘယ္သူကမွ မယုံခဲ့ဘူး။ ဒီမုိအစုိးရေတြကုိ မုံန္းတီးလုိ႔ သူက အတင္းအဖ်င္းေျပာတယ္လုိ႔ ထင္ခဲ့တာ။

Global Warming က လူေတြလုပ္တဲ့ မီးခုိးေၾကာင့္ ျဖစ္တာပါဆုိျပီး မင္းတုိ႔ ဒီမုိမီဒီယာေတြက ေရးခဲ့တယ္.. မွတ္မိေသးလား?. . . မွတ္မိေသးလား? ေတာင္၀န္ရုိးေဒသက ေရခဲေတြ နဲ႔ ေျမာက္၀န္ရုိးေဒသ ေရခဲေတြ အေရေပ်ာ္ျပီး ကမာၻၾကီးကုိ ေရလႊမ္းေတာ့မယ္ဆုိျပီး BBC, CNN, FOX စတဲ့ ဒီမုိမီဒီယာအားလုံးက ေျပာခဲ့တာပဲ။ ေၾကးမုံသတင္းစာကလဲ ဒီမုိမီဒီယာေတြနဲ႔အတူတူ . . . ကမာၻၾကီးပူေႏြးလာတာ မီးခုိးေၾကာင့္လုိ႔ ေအာ္ခဲ့တာပဲ။ သိပ္တုံး.. သိပ္အလြန္းတဲ့ . . ဒီမုိငတုံး ဘေလာ့ေတြမွာလဲ ကမာၻၾကီးပူေႏြးလာလုိ႔ ပတ္၀န္းက်င္ကုိ ထိမ္းသိမ္းပါ…. ဘာညာနဲ႔ ေအာ္ခဲ့တယ္။ အင္ဒုိနီးရွားဆုိရင္ သူတုိ႔ ကြ်န္းတစ္ခ်ဳိ႔ေရနစ္ေတာ့မယ္ ဆုိျပီး ေၾကညာခဲ့တယ္။ နအဖအပါအ၀င္ အစုိးရေတြ အားလုံးက အဲဒါကုိ တသံထဲ ထြက္ျပီး ေအာ္ခဲ့တာပဲ။

UN က Email ေတြ Hack လုပ္ခံရျပီးေတာ့ … UN သိပၸံပညာရွင္ေတြကုိယ္တုိင္ လိမ္ညာတာ ဗူးေပၚသလုိေပၚလာတယ္ေလ။ သိပၸံပညာရွင္ၾကီးကလဲ သူ႔ကလိမ္ကက်စ္လုပ္တာကုိ ၀န္ခံသြားတယ္။ ကဲေျဖစမ္းပါဦး. .. . .အရင္တုံးက Global Warming သတင္းေတြ ပလူပ်ံေနတာ အခုဘယ္ေရာက္ကုန္လဲ? အဲဒီ UN သိပၸံပညာရွင္ေတြကုိ ဘာလုပ္ျပစ္လဲဆိုတာ ဘယ္ဒီမုိမီဒီယာေတြက ထုတ္ေရးလဲ? သနားတယ္ကြာ… Global Warming ေၾကာင့္ ကမာၻၾကီးပ်က္ေတာ့မလားဆုိျပီး ေတြးေၾကာက္ခဲ့တဲ့ မင္းတုိ႔ ဒီမုိငတုံးေတြကုိ သိပ္ကုိ သနား၏။ ေျပာတုိင္းယုံ.. လိမ္လုိ႔လြယ္တဲ့ .. ဒီမုိငတုံးေတြပဲ။ ၀ါးဟားဟား

တုံးလြန္.. အလြန္းသည့္ ဒီမုိငတုံးမ်ားကုိ စိတ္ကုန္သည့္
ျမင့္ျမတ္သည့္မဟာျမန္မာ၀ါဒီသခင္ၾကီး Mr. ★ဆရာေဇာ္မ်ဳိး★

★သခင္မ်ဳိးေဟ့ဒုိ႔ျမန္မာ★ said...


ကယ္တင္ရွင္ရွာေဖြသူ ဒီမုိမ်ား

၈၈ေက်ာင္းသားေခါင္းေဆာင္ ျမေအးသမီး ဒုတိယေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ကုိ ေမ့ကုန္ျပီလား? ေတာ္ေတာ္ကုိ အေျပာင္းအလဲျမန္တဲ့ ဒီမုိေတြပဲ။ ဟုိကျဖင့္ အဂၤလိပ္လုိ ၅ မိနစ္ၾကီးေတာင္ မိန္႔ခြန္းေျပာထားရတာ။ မင္းတုိ႔ပဲ ဒုတိယေဒၚေအာင္ဆန္းစုၾကည္ကုိ ကယ္တင္ရွင္ၾကီးလုိ႔ေျပာခဲ့တာပဲ။ သူ႔ေၾကာင့္ ျမန္မာလူငယ္ေတြ ႏုိင္ငံေရး အသိပြင့္လင္းလာတယ္ေလး ဘာေလးနဲ႔။ အခုမွ အခ်ဳိးေတြေျပာင္းကုန္တယ္။

☀ ပင္လုံစာခ်ဳပ္နဲ႔ ျမန္မာအခ်င္းခ်င္း ေသြးခြဲေပးတဲ့ အဂၤလိပ္ကုိ ေက်းဇူးတင္တာ ဒီမုိငတုံးပါ။

☀ ျမန္မာနယ္ေျမေတြကုိ ဘဂၤလားေဒ့ရွ္နဲ႔ အိႏၵိယကုိေပးတဲ့ အဂၤလိပ္ကုိ ေက်းဇူးတင္တာ ဒီမုိငတုံးေတြပါ။

☀ ဗုိလ္ခ်ဳပ္ေအာင္ဆန္းကုိ သတ္တဲ့ အဂၤလိပ္ကုိ ေက်းဇူးတင္တာ ဒီမုိငတုံးေတြပါ။

☀ နအဖေရးတဲ့ ၂၀၀၈ အေျခခံဥပေဒကုိ ေစာက္တင္းေျပာျပီးေတာ့… ၁၉၄၈ အဂၤလိပ္ေရးတဲ့ အေျခခံဥပေဒကုိ အေလးထားေနတာ ဒီမုိငတုံးေတြပါ။

☀ ကမာၻမွာ လိမ္လုိ႔အလြယ္ဆုံး. . ငတုံးျဖစ္ဆုံးနဲ႔ ေျပာတုိင္းယုံတာကေတာ့ ကေတာ့ ျမန္မာလူမ်ဳိး ဒီမုိငတုံးေတြသာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။

☀ ကဲဗ်ာ… အျဖဴေတြ အုပ္ခ်ဳပ္တဲ့အခ်ိန္မွာ တရားဥပေဒက ဘယ္လုိလဲသိခ်င္ရင္ ဒီဗီဒီယုိေလးကုိ ၾကည့္လုိက္ပါ။ ေၾသာ္.. အဲဒီဗီယုိက နအဖက ရုိက္ထားတဲ့ ဗီဒီယုိေလးေနာ္.. ၀ါးဟားဟား

တုံးလြန္း.. အလြန္းျပီး သူတပါးကုိသာ အားကုိးလုိသည့္ စိတ္ဓါတ္ကုိရြံသည့္
ျမင့္ျမတ္သည့္မဟာျမန္မာ၀ါဒီသခင္ၾကီး Mr. ★ဆရာေဇာ္မ်ဳိး★

Anonymous said...

To Annon ,November 19, 2010 9:32 PM

Is the Voice Journal the only Journal in Town?? How pathetic you are!! No wonder the pathetic people like you support Nay Win Maung just by looking at where he got his degree, from which university and so on. Be reminded that people cannot be judged only by his degree but his own action. Because there are a lot of educated bums like you out there.

Anonymous said...

What does it matter anymore...whether Nay Win Maung walking around in Yale campus or he is a PhD as he obviously did suck the junta' s ball...in educated manner ( u can put it that way if u like).

Anonymous said...

Dr. Nay Win Maung did not earn
Yale degree, nor PhD. His Dr.
is MBBS medical doctor. He
went there for a fellowship.
The point is that he learned,
he got education and that makes
him better than uneducated or undereducated emotional chaps.

Anonymous said...

Zaw Myo, do you finish high school?
Global warming is real, scientists may become overzealous and they may have created infamous hockey stick (a statistical and graphical manipulation fabricated by a PhD student who wanted to support the claim that global temperature has risen recently). In general CO2
must be reduced. Even your father China is reducing carbon. You are
swallowing the words of nut case
Alex Jones who does not know what he is talking. I am fed up with loonies, red necks, Ah Bengs, peasants, dick heads and I am afraid you are one of them.

Anonymous said...

Even if he is a doctor , what does it matter anymore when he sucks the junta's ball.

Even if he is an educated emotionless creature, what does it matter more when he sucks the junta's ball like what the Kyaunt-Phunt did.
Just a little differnt in way of sucking only. So, you too better don't suck nay win maung's ball and wake up, Mr. Educated-Friendly Third Group Lover.

P.S I purposely wrote "walking around in the campus " means just walking around ..you know. I didn't have any intention to say that he earned the degree from Yale.

Anonymous said...

Another emotional bum who cannot distinguish between sucking and giving the credit where it is due.

Anonymous said...

Even if you are emotionless and educated, what does these matter more when you suck" junta's ball-sucker's ball ",Mr. Emotionless Bum.

Anonymous said...

I feel that I am offering beer to a bulls (Zaw Myo) and the cow (anon) above.

For dick head Zaw Myo, it was not
UN but University of East Anglia,
a British university where emails
were hacked. Alex Jones is a nut
case and only other nuts take him
seriously. Tell me when he will
get Nobel for educating bulls.

For the anonymous cow above, bulls will mount you from behind and it ain't be pleasant.

Anonymous said...

Mr ball-sucker,
whatever you said, what does that matter anymore when you suck" junta's ball-sucker's ball?

Smarter Than DEMO NGA TONES said...

After I read Ko Paw's

I'm working in an American company.
American english is not identical with original English especially in Grammatical usages.

Even there are disputes between Aussie English,US English and British English.All these different regions Englishmen can't write/speak as exactly as British English.

I saw many errors like above what Patriotic Citizen wrote but it doesn't matter.Even American Presidents in history had these mistakes?

For example, in the January 27, 2010, State of the Union address, US President Barack Obama said "Instead of rewarding failure, we only reward success. Instead of funding the status quo, we only invest in reform"[1]. What he meant to say was "Instead of rewarding failure, we reward only success. Instead of funding the status quo, we invest only in reform". However, this misuse is so common, particularly in American English, that many speakers will not realize that moving the adverb actually changes the meaning of the sentence.

So what's the point commented by these DUMB DEMO NGA TONE?(NGA TONE means DUMB/STUPID in Myanmar language)

★သခင္မ်ဳိးေဟ့ဒုိ႔ျမန္မာ★ said...

(For dick head Zaw Myo, it was not UN but University of East Anglia, a British university where emails were hacked.)


အမည္မသိ November 20, 2010 3:23 PM

တုံးလုိက္တဲ့ ဒီမုိငတုံး။ မင္းတုိ႔ ဒီမုိငတုံး။ မင္းတုိ႔ေတြကုိ အဲဒီ တကၠသုိလ္နာမည္နဲ႔ email hack လုပ္ခံရတယ္လုိ႔ ေျပာလုိ႔ နားလည္မယ့္ေကာင္ေတြလား? အဲဒီတကၠသုိလ္နဲ႔ UN နဲ႔ ဆက္စပ္မွဳကုိ မင္းသိရဲ႕လား? ငတုံး။ အခုထက္ထိ ေစာက္ပါးစပ္က CO2 ေၾကာင့္ ကမာၻပူေႏြးလာတယ္ေျပာေနတုံး။ တျခားသိပၸံပညာရွင္ေတြက CO2 ေၾကာင့္ မဟုတ္ပါဘူးလုိ႔ေျပာတာကုိ ေလ့လာရဲ႕လား? မေလ့လာပဲ.. CO2 ေၾကာင့္ျဖစ္ေနတယ္ဆုိျပီး ဒီမုိမီဒီယာေတြက ေရးထားတာကုိ ၾကက္တူေရြးလုိ မေအာ္နဲ႔။ Al Gore ၾကီးေတာင္ လူေတြေၾကာင့္ ကမာၻၾကီးပူေႏြးရပါတယ္လုိ႔ အလိမ္ေကာင္းလုိ႔ ဒုိအညာက ပဲၾကီးေလွာ္ေလာက္ပဲ တန္ဖုိးရွိတဲ့ ႏုိဘယ္ဆုၾကီးရထားတာကုိး။ ဒီေတာ့ မင္းတုိ႔ ဒီမုိငတုံးေတြ ယုံတာ မဆန္းပါဘူး။

ဒါနဲ႔ . . အရင္တုံးက Global Warming သတင္းေတြ ပလူပ်ံေနတာ . . အခုေနာက္ပုိင္း အဲဒီသတင္းေတြ မေရးေတာ့တာက ကမာၻၾကီးက အဆင္ေျပသြားလုိ႔လား? အင္ဒုိနီးရွား ကြ်န္းေတြ ေရျမဳပ္ေတာ့မယ္လုိ႔ေအာ္ေနတာ အခုေတာ့ ေရေအာက္ေရာက္သြားလုိ႔ အင္ဒုိနီးရွားအစုိးရက ေအးေအးေဆးေဆး ျဖစ္ေနတာလား။ ငတုံးေရ.. ဦးေဏွာက္ရွိရင္ စဥ္းစား။ အခုဆုိရင္ ကမာၻၾကီးက ပုိျပီးေတာင္ ေအးလာတဲ့ အပုိင္းကုိ ေရာက္လာပါျပီတဲ့။ ဟားဟား။ BBC ကေန ရုိက္ထားတဲ့ Documentary ေလးမွာ ၀က္၀ံျဖဴေပါက္စေလး ေရခဲေတြမရွိလုိ႔ ဒုကၡေရာက္သြားတဲ့ ဟာေလးကုိ ၾကည့္ျပီး အခုထက္ထိ မ်က္ရည္က်ေနဆဲထင္ပါ့။ ၀ါးဟားဟား

ေျပာသမွ်ယုံကာ တုံးလြန္း.. အလြန္းေသာ ဒီမုိငတုံးမ်ားကုိရြံသည့္
ျမင့္ျမတ္သည့္မဟာျမန္မာ၀ါဒီသခင္ၾကီး Mr. ★ဆရာေဇာ္မ်ဳိး★

Anonymous said...

To Blog Owner Ng Paw ,

Our rice bowl is very important .You are very rich now , but our rice bowl is not full enough same as all of you who stimulate for pro-demo campaign .^_^:):P

မိတ္ေဆြ…. စကၤာပူႏုိင္ငံသား ခံယူဖုိ႔ စိတ္ကူးေနသလား။ ဒီစာကုိ အရင္ဖတ္ၾကည့္ဖုိ႔ တုိက္တြန္းပါရေစ။

စကၤာပူႏုိင္ငံေရး တေစ့တေစာင္း သိေကာင္းစရာ...